KMB delivers quality from the first product to the last

We are aware of our great responsibility towards our customers. Even complex solutions such as in the automotive, glass or processing industries only function smoothly if even the smallest component reliably fulfils its task.

KMB has its own quality assurance department to guarantee this at all times. In addition to technical expertise, we use modern measuring equipment and procedures to ensure the highest level of quality from the first component to the last.

Messsystem zur Qualitätssicherung bei KMB

Professional quality management is simply part of it for us

Wareneingangskontrolle zur Qualitätssicherung bei KMB

Anyone who has been in the market for 30 years, has implemented numerous solutions for national and international companies and can point to excellent references must have a proven quality management system. At KMB quality assurance starts the moment the goods are received. If necessary, the components undergo adhesive strength testing and electronic layer thickness measurements.

Random samples are also repeatedly taken during ongoing production. These samples are additionally checked to ensure that they correspond exactly to the defined specifications. KMB uses modern digital measuring devices for this purpose. KMB is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

High standards in development, production and assembly

Be it the customised coating of various materials, precision punched part production, standard or completely custom solutions – KMB places great importance on consistent quality. This is all the more important when it comes to generating a fully custom adhesive connection. Among other things, KMB uses material suitability tests to check whether the carrier material and adhesive meet your requirements.

For instance, in our own testing laboratory we use a heat/climate oven, devices for testing adhesive strength and shear strength, analogue and digital measuring projectors and equipment for water and moisture storage. This enables us to obtain reliable values that are incorporated into the optimisation of your custom solution.

Überwachung der Produktion zur Qualitätssicherung bei KMB

Quality pays off in the long run. KMB offers you a maximum of investment security in the following areas